Frequently asked questions.

What exactly does this program include?

It will ultimately depend on the track you get accepted to (more on the individual tracks below). However, all participants accepted into the program will receive the following:

  • A round-trip flight to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

  • Accommodations for the duration of the festival

  • Transportation to and from the airport

  • A festival pass to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

  • Access to CC:DC’s Inkwell Beach at Cannes and affiliate partner beaches

How much does this program cost?

All items included in the program and specific to the tracks are free for participants in the program. However, anything outside of the items listed specifically in the program will be optional and out of pocket for participants. (ie. should you want to grab separate lunch at restaurants, extend your trip in Europe)

What are the different tracks of the program?

Each track caters to different department specialties and experience levels. More details on the specific tracks are provided on the application page (link here). Here is a quick review of all the program tracks available:

Brand Marketers Academy (18-25 years old)

Creative Academy (18-25 years old)

Media Academy (18-25 years old)

CC:DC Ambassador (25-34 years old)

CC:DC Ambassador (35+ years old)

HBCU+ (18-21 years old)

When will we know if we have been accepted?

Offers of acceptance occur on a rolling basis throughout April and May.

I’m not in a creative role. Do I still need to include a portfolio?

Yes. But don’t worry, we take into consideration your application track and experience when evaluating your application. In effect, we expect more creative portfolios from creative applications. More media focused experience for the media academy, and so on. The important thing to remember is to make sure your portfolio speaks to your experience and personal/professional narrative.

I filled out my Gradient Profile. How do I make sure I am linking it correctly?

Once you have filled and are happy with your Gradient Profile, scroll up to the top of your profile page and click “view life profile”. This will take you away from the editable version of your profile, to the public version of your profile.

The link to view is available above the DOWNLOAD button.

Remember, personal portfolio sites will not be taken into consideration when applications are evaluated.

A work project in my Gradient Profile is set to “Private”, will judges still be able to view my work?

Yes. This adds an extra level of creative protection on our end. In effect, all Gradient Profiles are private and only viewable by Gradient Group admins and any brand or agency you are submitting your Gradient Profile to.

Will there be a video interview?

No. This is why the overall quality of your personal brand video and Gradient Portfolio is so important.