2025 AYA Inclusion Award
Entry Form
The CC:DC presents the 2025 AYA Inclusion Award – a creative recognition of profound distinction, aiming to transform the advertising, marketing and communications industries – spaces that control how we view the human condition and each other. The award is a symbol of why inclusion is good for the world and good for business. The idea is that to have world-bending ideas you must include the world.
Rules and Eligibility
The AYA Inclusion Awards celebrates culture-shifting creativity in the areas of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, neuro, age and body diversity:
Entries will need to demonstrate ideas intended to reshape the world; work that sets out to positively impact ingrained inequality, imbalance, or injustice, and should illustrate how the work tackles, highlights or redresses issues of diverse representation and/or shatters stereotypes or stigmas.
Ensuring the team that created the spot is also inclusive will be important.
The same piece of work can only be entered once for the AYA Inclusion Awards.
Entries for the AYA can be for any commercial or non-commercial company/client, regardless of the product or service or the medium of communication.
The AYA Inclusion Awards is an important acknowledgment that recognizes the power of creativity to reshape the world. By celebrating work that promotes diversity and inclusion, the AYA helps to make the world a more just and equitable place. After all, the world never looks the same once creativity gets a hold of it.
For example, an AYA Inclusion Award-winning entry could:
Challenge stereotypes abouut a particular group of people.
Promote inclusion and understanding of people with disabilities.
Highlight the contributions of people of color to society.
Raise awareness of the challenges faced by neurodivergent people.
Show the positive impact of older adults in the workforce and on society.
The possibilities to change the industry narrative are infinite.
To qualify for the AYA Inclusion Award all entries must be completed and submitted by Monday April 14th, 2025, at 11:59 A.M. New York Eastern Standard Time. Submitted work must have been active between May 20, 2024 and April 14th, 2025. If the submitted work ran before or after the Eligibility Period then a minimum of 50% of the implementation must have ran within the Eligibility Period to remain eligible for the AYA Inclusion Awards.